Newsletter and E-Mail unlimited
Modern E-Mail Editor, Templates, and Re-Use of Elements
Create your newsletter or e-mail content completely with uniique-campaign or just import existing newsletter templates. Immediately when inserting content, the e-mail HTML editor shows the final presentation. Thus, even unexperienced users will be enabled to develop e-mails in an appealing format or adapt templates to the corporate design and current content. A comprehensive selection of tools is provided. Test functions make sure that e-mails arrive at the recipient in the desired format. Of course, e-mails can also be set up in text format and attachments can be included. Functionalities are provided for tracking read or opened e-mails or clicked links that are included as well a functions for Opt-Out or cancelling newsletter subscription – whatever is required for modern e-mail marketing. Once e-mails, newsletters or campaigns are set up, they can be re-used at any time.
Personalized E-Mails and Management of Preferences
When working on an e-mail, any available data can be selected in order to personalize it. With uniique-campaign master file data of customers can be easily stored with data from their purchase history, activities, memberships etc. Thus, you can address the customer with the right offer/product or manage other cases of individualized e-mails. Additionally, uniique-campaign offers automatic registration processes for subscription, unsubscription, and changing preferences, e.g. the desired range of topics for newsletters or change of contact data. With uniique-campaign you can. Continuously enrich information about your contacts throughout your communication and the resulting feedback. information gained can be re-used immediately in order to take your customer‘s needs into account.
Rules / Rule Engine
By using uniique-campaign you can always determine the right addressees for each target group and campaign size. Within a campaign it is possible to define different newsletters or e-mails for different recipient groups. In addition, there are functions for A/B and multivariate tests, minimum amounts, and intersecting sets in order to further devide the recipient groups and address them with the right e-mail content. Inside the e-mail, rules can be defined, so that any further personalization`s and invidualization`s can be dealt with. For example the language used in an e-mail can be selected according to the nationality, the offer of the months can reflect the last purchased product or the graphics used in a newsletter can be chosen accourding to the recipients gender. The potential is almost unlimited.
Automatic and Time-Controlled E-Mails
With automatic campaigns your communication becomes professional. New customers can be welcomed automatically and promptly, pointed to new products or be reminded of events, e.g. trade shows or software updates. In the future, you won’t forget birthday or anniversary greetings. A variety of features is available for time-controlled e-mails in order to exclude holidays or weekends, not to miss the account current at the beginning of a month, or just to send out a newsletter at a predefined point in time.
Cost-Free, Independent and Optimized E-Mail Distribution
Save yourself paying online e-mail providers who tell you that certificates and big service providers are required in order to reach a high quality when sending out e-mails – very often just the opposite is the case because using big providers means you may have to deal with problems caused by other customers of them. No e-mailbox provider likes it when 50 newsletter e-mails per second coming from the same sender have to be delivered. With uniique-campaign, e-mails can optionally be sent out via existing e-mail accounts or systems (also many in parallel). Our experience in delivering uncountable big e-mail campaigns made us implementing easy to use features for optimizing e-mail campaigns. If required, the temporal delay between two e-mails for specific ISP’s or e-mailbox providers like googlemail or gmx can be spcified in the settings. Thereby, spam classifications are reduced massively and the success of campaigns increases. In addition, the flexibilty increases significantly and automatic campaigns even make sense when dealing with small groups of recipients.